Glass by Design

Glass Artist - Colleen Arseneault

The home of glass artist Colleen Arseneault, based in Calgary, Alberta, with over 35 years experience and passion in stained glass design, teaching and repairs.


My favourite season is upon us, and I have always found the sun and warm weather invigorating to my spirit and my work. The longer days and the bright mornings are always motivating and are when I feel most creative. I've been working on all sorts of new projects that I've been enjoying and look forward to sharing on the site soon!

Do you need some custom work done, perhaps for a gift or special occasion or even something nice for your home to go with your decor? Or have you found a piece in my gallery that you like but just want to change a colour or two to fit your style? 

I love doing custom work. Send me an email, I would love to hear all about what you're looking to have created!